Episcopal Church
Indian Rocks Beach, Florida
"To know Christ,...
and to make Him known."
Join us this Sunday
8AM & 10AM
The Tithe & Offering
"All things come of thee O Lord, and to thy own have we given thee"
1 Chronicles in The Old Testament
It is all too common to be consumed by materialism and the church is not immune. We are to remind ourselves that by faith in God, all things seem to work out. By faith, not by sight, do we live and have our being as members of a church. Stewardship is about where and how we serve God with our time, our talent and our treasure. Everything we have ultimately belongs to God. At Calvary we encourage everyone to give freely of the valuable gifts that God has given to us in our own measure. Giving and growing go hand in hand.
Be knowledgeable and appreciative of the budget and our accounting practices. Rest assured that we have multiple levels of checks and balances with dozens of eyes that act as good fiduciaries. Do give, and give by faith that God is doing a good work through Calvary's mission and purpose.
The Pledge Campaign
Consider making a "pledge" of your time, talent and treasure every year to the Church as it embodies the life of Christ in community. We encourage every member to give a financial tithe (10%) of all their gross revenue but understand that this is a challenge for most. See it as a journey. Build one percent at a time and think about the things in life you can do without. The pledge of a tithe keeps the Church operating soundly and enable us to do good work in the world. In all things, give freely.
The Legacy Society
Leaving a Legacy to the Church after you part from this life is equally important. Historically the Church has always survived through difficult times from bequests. Leave a portion of your estate to us so that we can add to our endowment or contribute towards life-giving mission work here and abroad. If you have any questions, ask any member of the Legacy Society or the Rector who will be more than happy to assist you in that important and life-giving decision.
The Endowment Fund of Calvary is the investment strategy option that may be selected for your contribution to The Legacy Society. Any donor may designated portions based on total amounts or percentages of their estate to this fund. The Church policy is always to designated 10% of every bequest to the Endowment Fund unless otherwise designated by the donor. All gifts of any kind are subject to our Diocesan apportionment (10%) unless it is for an approved "Missional" designation.
2020 New Horizons Stewardship Conference
On August 22, the Diocese of Southwest Florida presented an interactive strategy workshop titled, "Leading where you have never been before. Each of those video links are provided here for our congregation to study and learn. Finding ways for church members and community partners to collaborate in a common goal to love God and to love our neighbors, building up God's church to be an instrumental beacon of love and mercy, is the focus of our next journey.